Variables in ActionScript


Variables in ActionScript Programming Language:

Variables Vs. Constants in Action Script - Par 1:
Variable is a named memory location, whose value may change during the execution of a program.

Constant is a named memory location, whose value never changes during the execution of a program.
I.e. constants stay constant whereas variables vary.

In order to grab a chunk of memory location and provide a meaningful name to it, we need to declare a variable or a constant.
Declaring a variable or a constant: means allocating a memory location for some data

In order to change the value in a variable or constant, we need to initialize or assign a value to it.
Initializing a variable or a constant: means putting a data value in that allocated memory location

var nameOfVariable:datatype; // declaration of a variable
nameOfVariable = value; // initialization of a variable

const NAME_OF_CONSTANT:datatype; // declaration of a constant ( lead to a warning)
NAME_OF_CONSTANT=value; // initialization of a constant (lead to an error)

By default the value of a variable or a constant, depends up on the type of a variable or constant.
Always initialize a constant when it is declared.