CSS Adjacent Sibling Selector


CSS - Adjacent Sibling (+) Selector or NextSibling Selector:
It selects any HTML element targeted by the selector written after the + character, which is/are sibling of and immediately preceded by any HTML element targeted by the selector written before the + character.

Syntax of CSS rule-set / rule:
declaration list;

To implement adjacent sibling selector, in place of selector; we write selectors one beside another separated by + (plus) sign

Syntax of Adjacent Sibling (+) Selector:
selector1 + selector2
declaration list;
It selects any HTML element targeted by the selector2, which is sibling of and immediately preceded by any HTML element targeted by the selector1

h2 + p
border:2px solid red;
It selects any p element which is sibling of and immediately preceded by any h2 element.

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