Introduction to HTML5


Introduction to HTML5:
HTML is designed by Tim Berners Lee in 1991
HTML is maintained by W3C (stands for World Wide Web Consortium)

From 1991 to 1999 many HTML specifications were released by W3C, they are HTML 1 to HTML 4
In 2004 WHATWG ( Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) a group of web experts started observation on "How web designers or developers are developing web sites"

They observed:
Pattern and frequency of using tags, attributes, styles, class values, id values etc.
Based on the observations, in 2008 WHATWG released first public working draft. This specification defines new features added to html, new tags, new attributes added to html, list of deprecated tags and attributes in fifth version of HTML.
In modern browsers everything should be syntactically and semantically meaningful to users and user agents.
Users are web designers and developers.
User agents are web browsers and web servers.

The link to html 5 specification is as follows:

Some new HTML 5 tags are: header, footer, nav, section, article, canvas, audio, video, source, track, progress, figure, figcation etc.

Some list of deprecated tags are:
b, i, u,s, font, frame, frameset, noframes etc.
Note: HTML5 is a latest revision and latest specification of HTML
In 2014 HTML 5 is released as a stable W3C recommendation.
HTML 5 emphasizes on designing or developing web sites which are syntactically and semantically consistent and meaningful to users and user agents.

Interview Questions:

1. WHATWAG full form is __________________________
a. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
b. Web Hypertext Application Tags Working Group
c. Web Hyperlink Application Technology Working Graph
d. World Hyperlink Advanced Tags Working Graph
Answer: a

2. W3C stands for _____________
a. World Wide Web version 3 constant
b. World Wide Web Consortium
c. World Wide Web 3 Consortium
d. World Wide Web Consortium 3
Answer: b